
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Yvonne Foong runs a five-year-old campaign called Heart4Hope to raise funds for her medical treatments in the U.S. She has a Neurofibromatosis Type 2 – a genetic disorder that makes tumors grow in her brain, spine, and along peripheral nerves. The surgery is scheduled in June 2010 in US.

You can support fund raising for campaign by: 1. Getting book written by Yvonne Foong at MPH bookstores and BodyBar outlets. 2. Getting T-shirts - Polo tees and round neck tees being sold at BodyBar outlets 3. People may make direct cash donations


-support by Youth

Sister of YouthSays member is missing!

YouthSays member's Razan beloved sister gone missing last week and no news so far. We call all YouthSays.com members out there to give a hand of help for Razan’s family and spread the message.


-support by Youth

Because I Love You, I Can Tell You...

Each year, over 12 million people receive a cancer diagnosis and 7.6 million die of the disease. The good news is that approximately 40% of cancers are potentially preventable. The campaign is focusing on how the risk of developing cancer can significantly be reduced through simple measures: * Stop tobacco use and avoid exposure to second-hand smoke * Limit alcohol consumption * Avoid excessive sun exposure * Maintain a healthy weight, through eating healthily and exercising regularly * Protect against cancer-causing infections. We invite you to join us in marking World Cancer Day on 4 February by promoting our exciting new campaign and spreading the message that cancer can be prevented too.


-support by Youth



Time & Date

28 MAY 2010 -> 2.00PM until 12.00AM
29 MAY 2010 -> 10.00AM until 10.00PM
30 MAY 2010 -> 10.00AM until 8.00PM

What are the new features in YOUTH '10? Below are the updated features :

The 3rd National Youth Entrepreneur Convention 2010 [29 MAY 2010, LEVEL 2, TUN DR HUSSIEN ONN HALL]
-Target Audience : Young Aspiring & Established Entrepreneurs-

Marketing With Youths Conference 2010 [29 MAY 2010, LEVEL 2, TUN DR ISMAIL HALL]
-Target Audience : Youth Marketers, Youth Targeting Brands & Business Owners-

Understanding Youths Conference 2010 [30 MAY 2010, LEVEL 4, MERDEKA HALL]
-Target Audience : Parents, guardians, and educators-

Battle of the Bands 3 [TARGET PARTICIPATION - 200 BANDS]
Youth Photographer of 2010 [TARGET PARTICIPATION - UNLIMITED]

-Popping, Hip Hop, Locking, Breaking, New Jazz, Belly Dancing, Pole Dancing, Capoiera-

-Graffiti, Youth Designer Festival, Lomography-

-1 vs 1 Caged Futsal, 3 vs 3 Basketball Challenge, Fitness Challenge, Rock Climbing, Extreme Games, Gaming Highway, Skating, Parkour-

Available Sponsorship
The 3rd National Youth Entrepreneur Convention 2010
Marketing With Youths Conference 2010
Understanding Youths Conference 2010
Battle of the Bands 3
Youth Photographer 2010
Youths VS Celebrities
The Youth Games 2010
Community Gatherings
Street Dance Challenge
Art & Design Festival
Youth Car Awards
1 Concert

This information already distributed to all delegates, organizing committees and volunteers who came to YOUTH ENGAGEMENT SUMMIT 2009. All of this information is correct at the time printed and maybe will have some changes on the activities in this festival. So, to those who have any questions to ask, you can directly ask it to me, and I will send the questions to the organizers.

..Earth Hour..

On Earth Hour hundreds of millions of people, organizations, corporations and governments around the world will come together to make a bold statement about their concern for climate change by doing something quite simple—turning off their lights for one hour. Earth Hour sends a clear message that people care about this issue and want to turn the lights out on dirty air, dangerous dependency on foreign oil and costly climate change impacts, and make the switch to cleaner air, a strong economic future and a more secure nation.


-Support by Youth

..Music For Relief..

Music for Relief has gathered incredible artists who have all generously donated original songs to support our Haiti earthquake relief effort. Artists include: WEEZER, JACK JOHNSON, ALANIS MORISSETTE, THE ALL-AMERICAN REJECTS, DAVE MATTHEWS BAND, ENRIQUE IGLESIAS, HOOBASTANK, KENNA, LINKIN PARK, LUPE FIASCO, METRIC, THE CRYSTAL METHOD AND SLASH. Now, we need your help: you can join in support of the immediate relief and long-term recovery process in Haiti by downloading songs at MUSICFORRELIEF.ORG and making a donation in any amount. Then, spread the word.


-support by Youth


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Today I went to my school.. I got da 'kursus kepimpinan'.. I wakil kpd Pengerusi SLAD (Skim Lencana Anti Dadah) & Setiausaha Kelab Catur.. Its a cool thing u know.. At first I thought its a bored thing.. I like 'yurkk'.. But then evything went so nice.. So cool.. So fun.. So enjoyable..

At first, we have to register our name at da front desk.. Then we got da 'morning exercise'.. haha.. Daq cool part kitorang dance tarian Poco-poco.. Best gilew.. Hahaha.. Then we divide into 12 groups.. my group has 13 members.. Me, Atan, Aiman, Nabila jouny, Wadi & somemore that I cant remember their name.. Hahaha..

After we have been divided into groups, my group got da honour to play da 'wawasan sarang labah-labah'.. Got 3 halangan.. So cool bila lepas.. hanya 6 orang perlu lepas & I antara nya cz I got a tiny cute body.. Haha.. then we go to da next activities called 'Si Buta'.. At this activity, we have to blind our eyes.. Like lost our sighteness lo.. Cool cz bergerak as a team.. How we work as a team work memang nice gilew.. Haha... Then next activity was the 'Menjunjung Kasih".. We have to take a good care for the baloon that fill with water.. hahaha...

ops..sory guys... got to go... I will tell u next pasrt k... see u later..daaaa

..FathErs Big daY wiT eZ's faMiLy..

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

..at KBU cOlleGe 2009..

..yAyA dak seNgaL..

Friday, January 8, 2010

Diz is for anyone who wanna know her news.. Memang aku still contect dia.. Tapi aku xleh gtw pape la k.. So sory.. Bnda cmne kitorg contect are so secret..
K meh aku cte.. Yaya sekarang alhamdulillah dah berubah.. Dia sekolah swasta agama at Alor Setar, Kedah.. So nak cari gi la turun sana.. Tp yg wat aku hapy sgt ngn dia cz dia dah pake 'buldah'... Alhamdulillah satu perubahan yg besar utk dia..
Oh.. Yaya dah xtinggal serdang.. Dia dah pindah Bangi tau.. Seksyen bape sory.. Aku xleh gtw.. lepas dia tamat belajar lagi 5 tahun aku akan bawa korg jmp dia k.. Dont worry.. Just keep in touch wit my blog so dat otak korg update psl dia.. Jgn outdated dah la..
Oh kpd adik Piky, K.yaya kim slm.. Daus J. yaya Mz u as her bro.. And halal kan la mkn minum dia selama ini.. jgn dipendam benci itu.. Lupakan la.. Segala hutang piutang kalu ade halalkan.. Kalo xnanti jmp tuntut la.. ja\gn mntak kat aku lak.. Dia a.k.a. adik kesygn aku nie pown byk hutang aku smp dia xnak aku beli pape tok dia dah..

* p/s : Bulan April insyaallah Aubty Linda (mum Yaya) akan selamat bersalin.. Mari kita sama2 doakan kandungan aubty yg lemah itu selamat melihat bumi & menjadi seorang anak yg soleh & solehah.. Ops... jgn lupa beli hadiah.. Kang kalo aku jmp, aku bagi..

..meETing rUmah Sukan & gAme..

Hari nie ade perjumpaan rumah sukan & sukan permainan.. For game, I take chess.. Cz I nak yg relax jew.. Xnk bnda yg pyh2.. nak kena tukar bju sukan lgi.. Malas aku.. Arghh.. And u know wat.. Xpsl2 aku jd setiausaha tok chess... Dah la wa FUCK glew nak wat report6.. Kalo krgn memang favote.. Tp report sory la.. Not me la.. Hahaha..
Then guest wat.. Captain umah PLUTO (ijau) sorg guy yg memang sengal & mmg bermasalah ngn LOH.. KAh3.. Guest what.. Its is ATAN, bro Anip.. Hahaha.. Aku undi Ikmal (5SN).. Tp mbr adik Atan lagi ramai.. Lagipun kan geng Iqbal mbr Anip.. Tue yg Mal kalah.. Mal xgaul ngn dk2 bodoh cmtue.. Me too.. Zzzz..
Then rumah UTARID (purple), dk form 3.. geng Iqbal cb tue.. Wat da fuck man.. Ewuuuukkkk.. benci glew aku.. Tahi anjing.. Then umah Biru, classmate aku gang.. Luqman al-hakim.. da famous atlet dat agak bebeb skit.. haha.. Jgn mrh erk kalo ko bace.. Keh3... Then assistant dy BFF aku, Ain Bur Amirah.. Adik Syafiq.. Dorg dua ekor dk atlet.. Si Syapiq ni cinta sapuh jiwa glew kt BFF aku, si Yaya.. Sengal dowh...

..nEw dAy aT scHo0L..

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hari pertama school already started.. Mcm-mcm happen.. Whats cool is my canteen.. Canteen dah maju.. Start pakai pinggan & cawan plastik balik.. then dah jual air favote.. HONEY DUE.. hehe.. seeeedddaaaappp!!!! glurp.. then jual sushi.. wah.. whats not cool cikgu sama je.. cikgu pon tension cz kena ajar kitorg lagi.. maklum la.. kelas paling nakal.. Kaah3.. tp kelas kitorg terceruk cz kelas black list & paling bising.. so tempatkan kat some place special.. hehehe.... Cikgu Jija jdi guru tingkatan.. Nazmiee jdi ketua.. Ivan jdi penolong.. KAh3.. Hancur la kls kitorg...

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